Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture is when needles are used on your face to create “micro trauma”. This encourages blood flow to the area, promoting qi and Blood circulation. In Chinese medicine many conditions are due to incorrect flow of qi (pronounced chee). With cosmetic acupuncture we combine constitutional treatment specific to you and facial acupuncture to stimulate your body’s innate healing capacity. When needles are inserted locally, your body’s defends sees these as foreign bodies causing an injury and triggers the wound-healing cascade. Fibroblasts are stimulated which are essential in tissue repairs. These can help produce collagen and elastin which are the building blocks of skin. We also offer cosmetic packages.
Cosmetic acupuncture is used to soften lines and wrinkles, lift sagging and boosts firmness to promote a brighter, glowing and more even skin.
Some benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture include:
skin hydration by increasing circulation of blood and lymph to the skin
improves firmness, elasticity and muscle tone of the face
helps lifts sagging and drooping skin through needling motor points on the face and neck
fills out sunken areas
helps eliminate fine lines and soften deep wrinkles
improves skin colour and brightens dullness, leaving a glowing and radiant skin
brightens the eyes and helps drooping eyelids
stimulates collagen production
softens acne scarring
reduces stress and aging effects on the face by working on constitution through combination with body acupuncture
leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and relaxed
Indications for Cosmetic Acupuncture:
wrinkles and fine lines
sagging and drooping
dull, dry skin
dark puffy eyes
pigmentation and dark spots
tension on the face
Bell’s palsy
What to expect when you receive Cosmetic Acupuncture:
lots of needles on your face combined with a few needles on your body depending on your specific constitution
in depth consultation and a treatment plan designed specifically for you
to feel relaxed, rejuvenated and refreshed
continuing support
high quality needles for your comfort and products
the face is a highly vascular area of your body, therefore there are risks of bleeding and bruising afterwards (although I always do try to avoid these by using the highest quality needles and gentle technique)
a loving and warm environment to support your individual needs
Helps reduce the signs of aging, acne, pigmentation and other skin condition.
Initial Discovery Call
Chinese medical facial incorporating Gua Sha facial massage
Cosmetic Acupuncture Sessions with superior Japanese needles
Signature serums by Hop & Cotton.
One complimentary Hop & Cotton gift voucher.
One (Initial) Treatment - $180
(subsequent treatments $130)
Five Treatments - $640 (saving $80)
Ten Treatments - $1170 (saving $180)
A beautiful relaxing experience, designed rejuvenate the skin - soften lines and wrinkles, plump the skin, reduces redness and acne. Additionally helps to harmonise other potential health issues impacting your skin.
Rejuvenating Facial
Cosmetic Acupuncture
A soothing head, neck and décolleté massage
A hydrating hands, feet and calf massage.
*HICAPS available if eligible. Discounted packages only available with selected Practitioners, and cannot be used with any other discounts, promotions, or offers. Payment for the package is segmented and due per appointment, with all appointments booked in advance/after the initial consultation.